Prof. Seung Chang Park donated his education for ChoongNam Girl High-school on the 15JUN2022 P.M14:00~16:00
Prof. Seung Chang Park donated his education for ChoongNam Girl High-school on the 15JUN2022 P.M14:00~16:00
SCP received this Grand prize for Education Donation from our Korea MOE on the 22NOV2018
SCP received this Grand prize for Education Donation from our Korea MOE on the 22NOV2018
Prof. Seung Chang Park had taught the ITELA career skill for students on the 15MAR2017
Prof. Seung Chang Park had taught the ITELA career skill for students on the 15MAR2017
SCP had shown his invention history to Jong Hyun Nam with Vietnam ambassador in August 2019
SCP had shown his invention history to Jong Hyun Nam with Vietnam ambassador in August 2019
SCP "IT Ethics Leader" had received the 8th Invention Culture Prize on the 7SEP2019
SCP "IT Ethics Leader" had received the 8th Invention Culture Prize on the 7SEP2019
SCP was awarded this Grand Prize in Education Contribution on the 19OCT2019
SCP was awarded this Grand Prize in Education Contribution on the 19OCT2019
SCP was awarded this Korea Education Culture Grand Prize in Social Contribution on the 15MAY2019
SCP was awarded this Korea Education Culture Grand Prize in Social Contribution on the 15MAY2019
SCP was awarded this Prize certificate of Excellent IT Ethics Lecturer on the 27DEC2006
SCP was awarded this Prize certificate of Excellent IT Ethics Lecturer on the 27DEC2006
SCP was awarded this Prize certificate of Korea Development in Science Technology Industry on the 18FEB2009
SCP was awarded this Prize certificate of Korea Development in Science Technology Industry on the 18FEB2009
SCP was awarded this Korea Assembly Grand Prize of Social Contribution in Society Welfare on the 27DE2013
SCP was awarded this Korea Assembly Grand Prize of Social Contribution in Society Welfare on the 27DE2013
SCP was awarded this Energy Saving and Efficiency Upgrading in Korea Society Enhancement on the 12NOV2019
SCP was awarded this Energy Saving and Efficiency Upgrading in Korea Society Enhancement on the 12NOV2019
SCP was awarded this Grand Prize of Korea Culture Education in Culture Education Industry Enhancement on the 16DEC2017
SCP was awarded this Grand Prize of Korea Culture Education in Culture Education Industry Enhancement on the 16DEC2017
SCP was awarded this Uprightness Contribution prize in the UN international corruption prevention Day on the 9DEC2020
SCP was awarded this Uprightness Contribution prize in the UN international corruption prevention Day on the 9DEC2020
SCP was awarded this Thanks Plaque of Hanium ICT Mentoring for University students on the 7DEC2022
SCP was awarded this Thanks Plaque of Hanium ICT Mentoring for University students on the 7DEC2022
SPC's 1st subway public-campaign "Don't write a malicious comment" during January ~ May 2020 as the 2nd IT-Ethics Movement of South Korea
SPC's 1st subway public-campaign "Don't write a malicious comment" during January ~ May 2020 as the 2nd IT-Ethics Movement of South Korea
SCP was awarded this Thanks Plaque of FKII Software Maestro cultivating men of Talent on the 4DEC2019
SCP was awarded this Thanks Plaque of FKII Software Maestro cultivating men of Talent on the 4DEC2019
SCP had read the declaration of Korea Independence (1MAR1919) in the special 100th memorial day of 3*1 people movement stage installed at SeJong city DaePyung Market on the 1MAR2019
SCP had read the declaration of Korea Independence (1MAR1919) in the special 100th memorial day of 3*1 people movement stage installed at SeJong city DaePyung Market on the 1MAR2019
SCP announced his paper "Ubitopia (Ubiquitous and Society) in this ICISTS-KAIST2010 on the 27JUL2010
SCP announced his paper "Ubitopia (Ubiquitous and Society) in this ICISTS-KAIST2010 on the 27JUL2010
ICISTS-KAIST2010 Workshop Program of SCP paper presentation on the 27JUL2010
ICISTS-KAIST2010 Workshop Program of SCP paper presentation on the 27JUL2010