4MAR1991 Excellent Employee of the year, ETRI

28JUN1993 Memorial Tablet for the VDS-100, ETRI

VSAT Project from 10JUN1991 to & 14MAY1993 in "MPR Teltech Ltd.." B.C Tel located in Canada Vancouver. My R&D parts were the CPU Board for TCP/IP and Data Communication via Satellite

31AUG2000 1st Technology Innovation "Bronze" Prize (Digital Adaptive Beamforming Technology useful for IMT-2000 3G/4G/5G/6G Mobile), SMBA Ministry

8SEP2000 Appreciation Plaque from DaeJeon Expo Science Park, Science Festival at my company POLYSOFT's Youngsters' Science Dancing Contest

1DEC2000 1st "Flash" Prize with the title "Poems and Dancing" digital contents contest managed by MIT (Ministry of IT)

4JUN2002 Memorial Tablet of my chairman for KOSA (Korea Software Industry Association), KOSA DaeJeon Branch

14DEC2002 Excellent Consultant of the year from KMTCA

12NOV2003 Excellent Paper of IT IPR from PDMC

Title: A new policy proposal for the evolved DRM industry based on the MPEG-21 IPMP Technology

19FEB2004 Excellent Paper Award from Samsung Electricity "Participation Prize"

Title: MLCC application Scenario to a ubiquitous sensor radio module

28JUL2004 Appointment Letter for IT Ethics Leader as a specialized Lecturer appointed by KADO and appointed by NIA from March 2009

11OCT2004 Appointment Plaque of Science Technology Ambassador (~31DEC2013) in MOST

2JUN2005 Letter of Appreciation from President given by Noh Moo Hyun

20NOV2005 Excellent Idea for e-Biz Mode Contest given by KCCI

Title: e-Tax System and m-Banking System

5DEC2006 Bronze prize for BcN "McBell Service" given by ETRI

Title: Mobile coloring Bell of e-Door System

27DEC2006 Excellent IT-Ethics Lecturer of the year given by Korea Post CC

8JUN2007 Letter of Appreciation for conference given by KSII

31JAN2008 Appreciation Plaque for BM proposal given by KTF

Title: Home ID Certificate SMS and Doorbell Color ring Service based mobile RFID

19DEC2008 Excellent Paper of IT Standard given by TTA

Title: The direction of activities, Strategies and Policies of Nano fusion sensor Standardization Forum

24DEC2008 Letter of Appreciation for New Growth given by KAIST

18FEB2009 Award Certificate from Prime Minister given by MOPAS

23DEC2009 Standard Technology Consultant given by KMTCA

Title: ICT Policy Advisor for Philippines CICT (Commission of ICT) *ICT: Information Communication Technology

27NOV2010 Achievement Award given by The IEIE

18DEC2010 Letter of Appreciation given by HANIUM

16MAY2013 Award Certificate from Minister given by SMBA

14JUN2013 Letter of Appreciation given by HaGye Middle School

13DEC2013 Prize of Knowledge Sympathy given by KOSEN

27DEC2013 Grand Prize for Society Welfare given by National Assembly

31DEC2013 Letter of Appreciation given by HANIUM

31DEC2014 Letter of Appreciation given by HANIUM

10APR2014 Participation Prize for IPR Lecture given by IIPTI

31MAY2015 Prize for my 4 poems including my best poem “Relationship(IoT)”

21JUL20015 Appreciation Plaque for Power Navi my (Free) Education Donation given by Power Navi Readers Forum

24SEP2015 Participation Prize for K-ICT Idea given by IITP & ETRI

7MAR2016 Development Prize of CEO 41 Class given by The Han Him Leadership Center

14DEC2017 Appointment for Excellent Institute of Education Donation (KITELA) given by MOE

7DEC2017 Contribution Plaque for SMB Consulting during 20 years as a KMTCA member given by KGCCA

16DEC2017 Grand Prize for Culture Education given by KCEA

28JUN2018 Award Certificate for KITELA's MSIT Social Contribution to prevent IT Adverse Effect and to promote IT Culture given by MSIT (www.msit.go.kr)

31AUG2018 Award Certificate for my Protection of Industrial Technology during 30 years given by MSS

22NOV2018 Grand Prize for Education-donation given by MOE(ministry Of Education) with my Ubitopia subjects useful for schools;

1) IT Ethics

2) Future of Science and Technology

3) Economy, 6 Quotient and Startup

4) Future Society and Standard

5) Standard and Safety

from 1SEP2004 to 31OCT2018 ( 14 years )

8DEC2019 Certificate for Consulting of Vocational Career of Experience (KITELA) given by MOE

15MAY2019 Grand Prize for Education Culture given by KEFA (Korea Education Family Alliance)

2JUL2019 Certificate for English Translation given by FTRANS (NCS Code: 2812) www.ftrans.com

7SEP2019 Participation Prize for 8th Nam Jong Hyun Invention Culture given by Grami Ltd.

19OCT2019 Grand Prize for Education Contribution given by KENA(Korea Education Newspaper Alliance)

26OCT2019 Award Certificate for Grand Prize of Energy Efficiency given by KEA

9DEC2020 Grand Prize for Upright Leader given by "Sang Min Lee" member of the National Assembly

15DEC2020 Participation Prize for 2020 scientists and technicians cooperative society Business Model Contest given by SE(www.socialenterprise.or.kr)

19DEC2020 Award Certificate for promotion of workers given by SEMAS and MSS

7DEC2021 Excellence Prize of my DX Lecturer given by KSA

7DEC2022 Appreciation Plaque for my mentoring in Hanium ICT projects given by FKII

15JUN2023 Award Certificate for SCP's MSIT Social Contribution to prevent IT Adverse Effect and to promote IT Culture given by MSIT

4DEC2024 Award Certificate for SCP's excellent Consulting Services given by KMTCA